
Day One: The World Exploded

I've done it. I've given into the masses and I too have started a blog. Maybe this way I'll be more inclined to write down my thoughts. I've tried to keep diaries but I love to tell people things so the idea of having something "private" or "personal" has always been a very unusual thought to me. Hopefully I'll get a small audience of people willing to take precious time out of the day to read the ramblings of some random person they may never meet.

Today was very ho-hum. I was lazy and didn't actually decide to shower until 1 pm. Not because I don't like to be clean, I was just really enjoying the lazy feeling that comes from sitting in your PJs for too long. I also watched Freaks and Geeks. Best T.V. show ever!!!

But I had to be clean because today I was giving a present to someone I am quite fond of. Almost smitten with him if you will. I will not tell anyone his name because I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it, but for now we will call him Mr. Purple because he's capable of making me blush until I turn a nice shade of purple. But I got him a Bleach watch. For those of you who don't know Bleach is a fabulous anime/manga. He loves Bleach, so I gave him the watch and got the BEST HUG OF MY LIFE!!! I still have goosebumps from it.

The other reason I had to get clean is that I had to work. I work in the electronics department of a store that doesn't deserve a name in my beautiful blog. It was boring. I stood there and thought about how perfect Mr. Purple is. Then I came home and started this blog. Just because I can...

Also, apparently I'm quite skilled in the relationship advice department so if you have any questions, I encourage you to ask. I live to help other people so by all means ask away.

Like I said, today was very ho-hum but I will finish off every blog with a quote. Some will be delicious and others will make you want to sit in a corner and ponder the very existence of dust.

Today's line: Our ticket to the future is always blank.

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