
Day Three: Oh hey! Where were you?

So I decided to help my most epic of friends, Kitty, buy her books for college seeing as classes start on Thursday (oh snaps) and I'm a fabulous friend. So off we went to frolic amongst the messed up book store when we were struck with a beautiful thought. SUNRIDGE! We need to go to Sunridge and see Luke and Vinod! We love Vinod, he's the best manager in the world!!! So we went off, skipping gleefully on the public transit. We laughed, we cried, we got lost so we asked a member of the Geek Squad to help us out, and yes we walked a ridiculously long time. But we made it. Blood poured from our wounds as we trudged up the final hill towards the mediocre store at the top of the hill. We stumbled in haphazardly, gasping in the cool air the flowed through the shop. After regaining our composure, we sauntered proudly about the store. Yes, we knew what was going on for we worked in the same store in a different location. We noted the vast similarities and questioned the differences, like the ample supply of half used rolls of toilet paper. After our intense inspection of the store, we made our way to the electronics department. It was nice. Very nice. Much nicer then our store's. We were impressed, but still on a mission. So we asked the friendly World Sales Leader if either one was around at the moment. He had never heard of anyone named Luke working at Sunridge and this confused us. We were told that he was there! Vinod had left to join the ranks of our enemy. We have excommunicated him from our family. They also removed the Hello Kitty Store. Will this pain ever leave my heart? I think it will heal in good time...


Day Two: The List to Begin It All

So, I've decided that I need to set some goals for myself, seeing as I'm starting college in 2 days (gleep)! I need to have SOMETHING to look forward to and something that will keep me a little more motivated and a little less...how should I put this...fail like in every sense of the word. And without further delay, let us move on with this fabulous list of awesome:

  1. Actual make it through college. This makes sense doesn't it? I want to graduated so I can become an English teacher. A kick butt English teacher if I may add.
  2. Actual get myself at least one reader. This is kind of in motion because I've told people about this blog...but they probably won't actually want to read this drivel anyways but here's hoping.
  3. Get started on the story I've been planning for well over a year now. I'll give you the outline for it because I need to fill up some space. And I'll put it into point form because it'll be a lot easier to understand then me trying to explain it.
  • Once upon a time, there were "units" (like in Loveless) that consisted of one Angel and one Demon. Their names were opposites of each other, so if the Angel was Beloved than the Demon would be Loveless.
  • One day the Angels decided that they didn't need their Demons anymore. They were superior beings and didn't need scum like Demons to become all powerful. Thus started a bloody massacre of Demons.The Demons were not going to take this lying down so they too began to sever the ties with their Angels and a war broke out between them.
  • A third party also began to battle in this war, this party was made up of the Angel/Demon "units" who want to show that the two together are much more powerful then the two apart.
  • Now for a little back story, Angels can awaken to their powers at any time which means that they can go through their entire life without ever knowing they were an Angel or they can be born (to human parents) and instantly be recognized as an Angel. They generally are weaker when it comes to physical attacks but are stronger in magic and defence and what not, but that isn't to say that they can't pack a mean physical punch. Angels can only have 2 forms in life: the Human form and the Angelic form.
  • A little more back story on the Demons. Demons are usually discovered the moment they are born and are usually taken away from the parents (human parents) right after birth. This is because Demons, if properly trained, can decide how much of their Demon powers they want to show. The closer they are to the Human form, the more in touch with reality they are but as they progress closer and closer to the true Demon form, they begin to lose their grip on humanity and become blood thirsty savages. They are also trained because it is a Demon's number one duty to protect their Angel from harm. Of course that rule is burned during the war. The Demon "school" eventually become a training ground to teach Demons to not treasure Angels but to kill them instead.Demons are physical attackers. They cannot use magic but some due have elemental capabilities such as fire breathing and what not.
  • One last bit of back story, usually the Angel and the Demon are more then just partners on the battlefield, if you get my drift... ;)
  • Our main character Demon is named Cathair which literally means "battle man" who has left the brutal training of becoming a Demon warrior to fight against the Angel army in hopes of finding his own Angel because it has always been his dream to really be happy for once. He is a top notch Demon who is currently being hunted by both the Angels (so they can kill this threat) and the Demons (so they can get one of their greatest warriors back). He puts up a very goofy front but behind his sharp eyes lies terrors that come from years of being tortured and abused. His Demon name is Failure, which he tries to prove wrong every day.
  • Our main character Angel is named Callister which means "defending men." This name suits him nicely because he always sticks up for people, even if he himself has to be put in the line of fire, which can really irritate Cathair. He doesn't realize he's an Angel until after he finds Cathair being brutally attacked by a group of Angels and uses magic for the first time. Though he has a strong sense of justice, he tends to hide in the back of his class while managing to be the Perfect Child, hence why his Angel name is Success.

This is as far as I've gotten with this story line, but I will certainly keep you guys updated! And I hope no one steals my idea for hat would be sad. It would also suck if something like this already existed and I didn't know about it...

But for my fourth and final goal:

4. Ask out Mr. Purple. I'm so afraid to take ANOTHER trip down rejection lane but I don't want to yearn for him like this forever. So I'll certainly tell you guys (if I ever get any readers) what went down and if I'll be the lovely and ever-so-charming Mrs. Purple.

Quote of the Day: Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!


Day One: The World Exploded

I've done it. I've given into the masses and I too have started a blog. Maybe this way I'll be more inclined to write down my thoughts. I've tried to keep diaries but I love to tell people things so the idea of having something "private" or "personal" has always been a very unusual thought to me. Hopefully I'll get a small audience of people willing to take precious time out of the day to read the ramblings of some random person they may never meet.

Today was very ho-hum. I was lazy and didn't actually decide to shower until 1 pm. Not because I don't like to be clean, I was just really enjoying the lazy feeling that comes from sitting in your PJs for too long. I also watched Freaks and Geeks. Best T.V. show ever!!!

But I had to be clean because today I was giving a present to someone I am quite fond of. Almost smitten with him if you will. I will not tell anyone his name because I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it, but for now we will call him Mr. Purple because he's capable of making me blush until I turn a nice shade of purple. But I got him a Bleach watch. For those of you who don't know Bleach is a fabulous anime/manga. He loves Bleach, so I gave him the watch and got the BEST HUG OF MY LIFE!!! I still have goosebumps from it.

The other reason I had to get clean is that I had to work. I work in the electronics department of a store that doesn't deserve a name in my beautiful blog. It was boring. I stood there and thought about how perfect Mr. Purple is. Then I came home and started this blog. Just because I can...

Also, apparently I'm quite skilled in the relationship advice department so if you have any questions, I encourage you to ask. I live to help other people so by all means ask away.

Like I said, today was very ho-hum but I will finish off every blog with a quote. Some will be delicious and others will make you want to sit in a corner and ponder the very existence of dust.

Today's line: Our ticket to the future is always blank.